
How It Works


Create Your Profile

On your desktop or laptop computer, go to the "Candidates Start Here" section and select a dentistry level which best fits your qualifications.

Get Authorized

Once your profile is complete, our participating employers will review your experience and qualifications. When an employer is interested in you, they will reach out to schedule an interview. After your interview, if there is an interest, you will be authorized by the employer which will then allow you to pick up shifts.

Claim Shifts

Once authorized by any employer, through the Overture Employer App, you will have access to open shift opportunities that match your experience and credentials. Claim shifts that meet your lifestyle and workstyle. Provide exceptional performance and get paid in as little as 24 hours upon shift completion.

Candidates Start Here

Select the level which best fits your qualifications to create your profile.

Dental Professionals

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Does the OvertureDDS process work?

    OvertureDDS is a cloud-based and fully supported software system that works along with the Overture Employer App. The system is used by dentistry professionals to select the shifts they want to work and is used in conjunction with those inside companies tasked with staffing and shift coverage. The objective is to ensure dentistry companies have proper coverage for all their shifts and dentistry professionals have the flexibility to select their own schedules and improve their life-style/work-style balance.

    OvertureDDS is not a staffing agency. We believe in leveraging technology to ensure employers have enough staff and employees have flexibility to select their own schedules.

    We contract with employers and provide them with the OvertureDDS system and fully supported process. OvertureDDS provides the candidate marketing and country-wide search for qualified dentistry professionals and then has candidates create their profiles inside the OvertureDDS system.

    Once your profile is completed, there is an initial review done by OvertureDDS to ensure you are qualified and are represented properly by your profile. Then, we approve the profile, which puts you in front of employers.

    All of this takes place in our system.

    When employers have an interest in a qualified candidate, they can indicate such in the system and the system then informs you by email and text that there is an OvertureDDS employer interested in you. Shortly after, you will receive another communication from the employer to arrange an interview. The employer will determine if the interview is completed by phone or in person. If the interview goes well, you are "Authorized" by the employer, which allows you to download the Overture Employer App. You can be authorized by numerous facilities, which gives you more choices as to what facilities to work with and what shifts to claim. From that point forward, you will be instantly notified of open shifts posted by employers which have authorized you. You can claim open shifts at your discretion through the Overture Employer App. The Overture Employer App maintains your schedule and allows you to check-in and check-out for your shifts. Once a shift is completed, that shift occurrence goes into an approval cycle with the employer. We target employer approval of the shift to be no longer than 24 hours. Once the approval occurs, if it is less than 1 hour prior to the close of your bank, you will be paid that same day. If you are using an App for payment such as PayPal, Venmo, etc., then payment will happen the same day regardless of the time of shift completion. Candidates will be notified when payments are made through the Overture Employer App.

    You can choose the locations you wish to work and the shifts you wish to work, which allows you to have more control and manage your life-style and work-style balance. Being paid sooner is another benefit of the Overture Employer.

    Employers have specific needs for employees filling their shifts. When they create opportunities, they are indicating what criteria and qualifications are required for that shift. The decision as to which candidates they express interest in and ultimately authorize, is the employer’s decision. OvertureDDS is the technology system and the process employers use to fill shifts. OvertureDDS does not participate in the decision-making as to which candidates get an interest notification or interview. OvertureDDS cannot indicate what the time frame is for the employer to review, express interest, interview, and provide authorization - It is entirely up to the end employer.

    We suggest you create your profile in OvertureDDS's system, so you can be seen by our employers. There is no cost to you and there is no obligation to accept an interview from an employer.

    There are many employers and many open shifts given the current shortage in the U.S. We do not anticipate this shortage to be resolved any time soon.

    OvertureDDS provides the best solution for both the dentistry professional and the employer with our system, supported procedures, and the payrates and costs involved for the employees and the employers.

  • How do I create my profile?

    Go to the "Candidates Start Here" section of the OvertureDDS site and click on a level which is most appropriate for your experience, education, and certifications. The system will then guide you through every step of the process.

  • Can I change my profile content?

    Yes, just navigate to the profile builder section and edit your profile.

  • How do I know if an employer is interested in me?

    Employers who are OvertureDDS clients have numerous methods at their disposal to search for and find candidates that have the skill sets and experience that they are seeking. Once your profile is complete, participating employers interested in you will indicate their interest through their employer portal. This will trigger updates to you through the program and allow the employer to communicate with you, set up an interview, and authorize you as eligible to accept shifts. When an employer has the need to fill a shift, you will come up as an authorized match if you fit the requirements. You will be notified of the open shift on the Overture Employer App, which allows you to review and claim that shift.

  • How does the OvertureDDS GPS-enabled dashboard work?

    As the start time of your shift gets closer, the App Dashboard will track your location and your estimated time of arrival to the employer. This allows the employer to know in advance if you will be on time for the start of your shift.

  • What does the OvertureDDS performance rating indicator mean?

    Participating employers can rate your shift performance up to a 5-star rating. You will see your cumulative ratings for all shifts you have completed, and you will be able to have discussions with your employers if you have questions.

  • How do I cancel a shift I have claimed?

    The Overture Employer App allows you to easily cancel a shift you have claimed. Cancelling claimed shifts may affect your rating scores, based on how much advanced notice you give. When you cancel a shift, that shift automatically reopens for others to claim.

  • How does OvertureDDS know when I checked in for my shift and when I checked out for my shift?

    The Overture Employer App allows you to check-in and check-out with the click of a button. Early check-in is acceptable within the threshold the employer sets. Early check-in limits allow for your safe arrival and the ability to comfortably prepare for your claimed shift. When your shift is complete, you will simply check-out in the Overture Employer App and that completed shift will proceed immediately to the approval stage with the employer.

  • How do I get paid for the shift work I complete?

    Once you have completed your shift and you have indicated so in the Overture Employer App, the completion immediately triggers the approval cycle with the employers. Both OvertureDDS and our authorized candidates desire a fast shift approval so you can be paid quickly. All approvals which occur 1 hour prior to the close of your banks’ business day will be paid the same day. If you are using other money transfer systems such as PayPal, Venmo, Gusto, etc., the payment transaction will occur within 1 -2 hours through that specific application after approval. This process is very transparent to our candidates using the Overture Employer App.

  • Who can see the activity that is happening with OvertureDDS?

    You, the Employer, and OvertureDDS can see the activity. The OvertureDDS team is responsible for the overall smooth operation of every aspect of the system. Our responsibility is simple: Ensure the system is functioning properly 24/7 and transactions are completed by candidates and employers in a timely manner - so everyone is satisfied with the outcome!

  • What is a 1099 Independent Contractor?

    An independent contractor is any individual that is self-employed, or they are free to work whenever they want and wherever they want. The OvertureDDS paradigm that encourages having a life-style and work-style balance means that candidates choosing to work with us will be independent contractors for the locations they select. This offers flexibility and allows the candidate to choose their own schedule, at their own discretion.

    What does 1099 mean?

    When you are an independent contractor, a 1099 form should be filed when you do your income taxes. A 1099 is necessary so that you can pay your Social Security and Medicare taxes on your income, which is standard practice for any job that you may have.

    How do I calculate my 1099 taxes?

    There are many resources available to assist you in navigating work as an independent contractor on the web. Tax calculators are helpful tools in estimating tax and ensuring that your budget and plan is consistent with the taxes that you will have to pay, so there are no surprises when tax season rolls around. Please see an example of a tax calculator that you can use by clicking here.

    Does OvertureDDS provide me with tax forms?

    OvertureDDS will be providing all external employees on the payroll with a 1099-NEC form prior to tax season, which will inform the candidate on how much income they have made with OvertureDDS. Candidates can use the 1099-NEC to file their 1099 form and ensure they pay the proper amount of taxes. Internal employees of an organization will be handled by their organization, so if they do not take part in any external shifts, they will not be receiving any tax forms from OvertureDDS.

    What are some helpful independent resources that I can use?

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